In this action-packed mystery thriller, Academy Award winner, Denzel Washington" stars as Whip Whitaker, a seasoned airline pilot, who miraculously crash lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe, saving nearly every soul on board. After the crash, Whip is hailed as a hero, but as more is learned, more questions than answers arise as to who or what was really at fault and what really happened on that plane?
Genre(s): Drama
Director(s): Robert Zemeckis
Starring: Denzel Washington , Brian Geraghty , John Goodman , Bruce Greenwood , Don Cheadle
Country of Origin: USA (11-02-2012)
Language: English
It’s a true testament to Denzel Washington‘s performance that the blunt drama doesn’t fall on its face. Washington has major obstacles to overcome in making the character of Whip Whitaker as empathetic as he is. From frame one, Zemeckis and screenwriter John Gatins unflatteringly show us who this guy is: a bad father, an alcoholic, a coke addict. There is nothing to admire about him, not even his surface level charms, which are best showcased in scenes between Washington and John Goodman.
The morning we’re introduced to the drunk and sleepless Whip, he pilots a plane with the full awareness that he’s intoxicated. Unfortunately, the plane hits a major storm, and a terrible malfunction occurs. Whip has to conjure up a miracle, and through some spectacular maneuvering he saves the lives of 97 people. He’s called a hero by the press, but if news breaks that he was under the influence during the crash, he could face up to life in jail.
But there’s more to the story than that, including a “romance” between Whip and a former drug addict named Nicole (Kelly Reilly). When Flight is dealing with the core conflict — the crash and Whip’s family and alcohol troubles — Flight is high-caliber drama. Having a character like Nicole hijack the second act makes for the film’s gravest misstep. Thematically the character serves a purpose, but that’s the sole reason for her role. She’s not a character but a symbol, an unnecessary one, too, when there’s already enough conflicts at hand.
Zemeckis doesn’t downplay Whip’s circumstances for much of the film. Although the famed director is usually all about striving for an upbeat and populist sensibility, Flight is new territory for him. Zemeckis never sugarcoats Whip, and when the character awakes from a hangover, Zemeckis makes Washington’s appearance completely unappealing.
Director(s): Robert Zemeckis
Starring: Denzel Washington , Brian Geraghty , John Goodman , Bruce Greenwood , Don Cheadle
Country of Origin: USA (11-02-2012)
Language: English
It’s a true testament to Denzel Washington‘s performance that the blunt drama doesn’t fall on its face. Washington has major obstacles to overcome in making the character of Whip Whitaker as empathetic as he is. From frame one, Zemeckis and screenwriter John Gatins unflatteringly show us who this guy is: a bad father, an alcoholic, a coke addict. There is nothing to admire about him, not even his surface level charms, which are best showcased in scenes between Washington and John Goodman.
The morning we’re introduced to the drunk and sleepless Whip, he pilots a plane with the full awareness that he’s intoxicated. Unfortunately, the plane hits a major storm, and a terrible malfunction occurs. Whip has to conjure up a miracle, and through some spectacular maneuvering he saves the lives of 97 people. He’s called a hero by the press, but if news breaks that he was under the influence during the crash, he could face up to life in jail.
But there’s more to the story than that, including a “romance” between Whip and a former drug addict named Nicole (Kelly Reilly). When Flight is dealing with the core conflict — the crash and Whip’s family and alcohol troubles — Flight is high-caliber drama. Having a character like Nicole hijack the second act makes for the film’s gravest misstep. Thematically the character serves a purpose, but that’s the sole reason for her role. She’s not a character but a symbol, an unnecessary one, too, when there’s already enough conflicts at hand.
Zemeckis doesn’t downplay Whip’s circumstances for much of the film. Although the famed director is usually all about striving for an upbeat and populist sensibility, Flight is new territory for him. Zemeckis never sugarcoats Whip, and when the character awakes from a hangover, Zemeckis makes Washington’s appearance completely unappealing.